"Expending His Energy to Promote Your Power."

Mass Dispel of Criminal Psychosis & Re-Alignment with True Justice

Posted by on Aug 31, 2020 in Misc. Prose, Philosophy, Writing | 0 comments

The worst criminals aim to turn you into one.

The imposition of horribly UNjust law on one end, and encouragement to break JUST LAW on the other. This is the psychological “squeeze play” the wicked are assaulting us with, right now.

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Pursuit & Defeat of an Interdimensional Demon (Healing Triplets)

Posted by on Aug 29, 2020 in Audio, Music | 0 comments

Don’t know his exact name, but he’s ripped to shreds and will spend the next thousand years in the abyss…

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The Value of Self-Respect

Posted by on Aug 29, 2020 in Misc. Prose, Philosophy, Writing | 0 comments

When you don’t respect yourself, you are that much more susceptible to manipulation by malicious characters and general deception. When you do not grasp this concept, these forces can get you to do anything.

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Reckoning with a “Liberal Education”

Posted by on Aug 19, 2020 in Misc. Prose, Writing | 0 comments

I wish I did not need to judge so directly, but this is not “fun and games” anymore. What long ago seemed “hip and irreverent” has gone way off the deep end. We are literally in danger of losing an entire generation, and our very nation, to the very sort of psychology that strips men and women of their souls.

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“The Devil Went Up to Minnesota” & “Warp Speed” (Healing Triplets)

Posted by on Aug 18, 2020 in Audio, Music | 0 comments

More of the good organ keys, mixing in a few classic riffs. Enjoy!

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A Note Concerning President Trump

Posted by on Aug 18, 2020 in Misc. Prose, Writing | 0 comments

Our president did more to benefit the American people, on his first day in office, than all three former presidents combined. Amid all of the fervor, I thought at the time that this must have been some random...

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A Short Chronicle of the Last Year (July 2019 – June 2020)

Posted by on Aug 16, 2020 in Misc. Prose | 0 comments

I must admit, I have been deceived. And so have you. So have we all. Around this time last year, in late July, I released an economic plan called “A New Economic”. I had been, for the last 10+ years,...

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Issues of Importance (Update Aug. 11th)

Posted by on Aug 9, 2020 in Misc. Prose, Writing | 0 comments

At Issue: First, of great concern, is the communist/fascist/globalist/technocratic threat, that has now openly attacked the free world and particularly the United States. This is a plan long in the making, and we...

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Males, Females, Emails, Sirens, Broadcasts, Misc..

Posted by on Aug 5, 2020 in Misc. Prose, Writing | 0 comments

This is absolute bullshit. Do you realize what you’re doing? The “virus” has been around since the fall. The numbers are being manipulated to justify taking away, wholesale, whatever rights we...

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