The Maverick Radio Hour: “The Crisis of Confidence and the Power of Providence” [Episode 19]
In this episode, I start with some thoughts on contemporary issues. Things are heating up, to say the least. Protip: keep your head, and no one loses their head. That make sense? Alright then… onward to uncharted (or re-discovered) knowledge!
Read MoreThe Maverick Radio Hour: “The Miracle of Qualified Morality” [Episode 18]
In this episode, I start with some general thoughts on the progress of the freedom movement, and then return to the economic thought experiment from last week, which morphs into examining the distinction between direct and qualified moral instruction.
Read MoreThe Maverick Radio Hour: “Jockeying with Step Two: Inflation, Taxes, and MMT” [Episode 16]
In this episode, I explain why I added “this step is optional” to Step Two of “A New Economic”, which leads into a general analysis of other economic and governmental topics. Notably…
Read MoreThe Maverick Radio Hour, Special Edition: “’The Tyranny Virus’: Full Lecture” – In 4 Parts [Episode 15]
Here’s a special edition of the Maverick Radio Hour to end 2021: a full lecture on “The Tyranny Virus” and its assorted arms, “Deconstruction of a Societal Weapon”. Make no mistake about it, a “societal weapon” is exactly what this whole thing has been.
Read MoreThe Maverick Radio Hour: “’Your Movie’, Written and Directed by: The Self-Determinable Part of Your Soul” [Episode 14]
Happy Solstice, my friends!
From now on, the sun will shine a little more every day, clearly something for which to be thankful.
And while we’re at it, Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to every living creature on this blessed Earth.
The Maverick Radio Hour: “What Kind of Beast is that System?” [Episode 13]
In this broadcast, I further the examination of the last couple weeks, by comparing, contrasting, and complimenting “thinking about thinking”, a strategy for deep introspection (with accompanying “trash filter”) with the clear-eyed observation of reality, the foundation of the “objective, scientific world”. After these primers, I launch a proper rant. You don’t want to miss it.
Read MoreThe Maverick Radio Hour: “Introspective Strategies & the Light of Reality” [Episode 12]
In this episode, I finish the thoughts on an introspective strategy, “thinking about thinking”. This is contrasted and complimented by clearing one’s eyes to see the light of objective reality, namely the visual field of the real world, determining benefit or detriment to the human spirit based on a variable: in this case, the imposition of mask-wearing. (Spoiler alert: they’re a detriment.)
Read MoreThe Maverick Radio Hour: “Know Thyself, and Thy Will” [Episode 11]
I start off this week’s show with a short poem “To Know Thyself is to Know God”, to jumpstart an examination of a strategy for introspection, “thinking about thinking”, vital for personal growth.
Read MoreThe Maverick Radio Hour: “Judicial Successes & Sparks of Divinity” [Episode 10]
A weekly dose of sanity, straight from the heart of yours truly, aiming to provide clear-eyed summations of complex worldly machinations, presenting the most recent curiosity discovered amidst a mind-field labyrinth. What’s it going to be today? Let’s find out…
Read MoreThe Maverick Radio Hour: “Winning the Psychological War” [Episode 9]
I’m putting this one out (on here) early, because there is too much happening right now, that bear heavy consequences, that if it can assist in this portion of our generation’s great psycho-social-spiritual war, then the sooner ya’ll hear it, the better.
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