Weary Travelers
So few women, so few anyone, actually cares to assist someone else on the way to achievement (family besides), but would be there after the success has come. On the road, on that road, we find ourselves upon, with every step and crack along that way, we look to the left and we look to the right and see… each other. Walking, running, on motorized tricycles, standing about catching our breath, or saying, “I’ve had enough”, and gracefully sweeping up another stopped nearby. It’s not so often two people hold each others’ hand and walk, or skip, or run. But so often collapse into the arms of their lover, forgetting the race, or watching it, in loving embrace. A path of low resistance, and it can be so satisfying.
But for those on that track, on that path up that hill, you know there is no collapse, and there shall not be any stopping; there’s no catching your breath (well, there must be SOME), but unless that person hops along the road with me, and keeps walking, we’re there. But if you want collapse, if you want acceptance, if you want comfort, if you want stability, if you want domesticity, if you want easy, if you want one nine to five job, home snuggling all night, entertainment at all hours, and huffing and puffing in the middle of the road, and not actually moving, you have some other man coming.
To the left someone is dancing. But I keep walking.
I told my grdtmaonher how you helped. She said, “bake them a cake!”