The Maverick Radio Hour: “Personal Histories & Psychonautic Adventures” [Episode 4]
Hello all!
This week’s edition brings a bit more of a candid flavor to the mix, wherein I lay out some of the broad strokes of my upbringing, schooling, and a particularly influential “psychonautic” experience.
- High school accolades and college truancy (Einstein would be proud!)
- Creative exploits & drug usage philosophy (“respect the drug” & “know when to quit”)
- “Salvia Divinorum” & the logical grind of existentialism
- The necessity of moral philosophy for the “tabula rosa”
- Explanation of the “12th Monkey Phenomenon” (Credit to film “Waking Life” by Richard Linklater)
- Observed psychological weaponization of the “technologica-digitalus”
This is the Maverick Radio Hour…
Originally broadcast on October 6th, 2021.