"Expending His Energy to Promote Your Power."

“Battlefield: Purgatory” Full Trilogy (Updated March 7th)

Posted by on Feb 27, 2021 in Audio, Music | 0 comments

A trifecta of shadowy delights, swimming through uncharted spiritual and psychic waters, battling demons and striving for the divine: an alchemical mix of light and darkness, from piano, to harpsichord, to organ…

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The Great Awakening, Part II: Exorcism of Tyranny (Addendum added Feb. 25th)

Posted by on Feb 18, 2021 in Philosophy, Writing | 0 comments

The plan shown below, appears to me, the best way to get a handle on the crises of the moment: from fraud, tyranny, dictates, abuse of personal sovereignty, etc., while at the same time maintaining law and order, and avoiding a descent into chaos and anarchy. This way, we might move forward amicably and sure-footed, and leave the virus panic and many other unjust impositions behind us.

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