"Expending His Energy to Promote Your Power."


Posted by on Oct 31, 2020 in Poetry, Writing | 0 comments

No spoilers! I got a feeling ya’ll are going to love this…

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“Get Woke, Go Baroque” (Healing Triplets)

Posted by on Oct 31, 2020 in Audio, Music | 0 comments

We slowed the roll a bit on this one: a most recent rendition, for your consideration. Enjoy!

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Fireside Monologue & Musical Addendum

Posted by on Oct 7, 2020 in Audio, Music | 0 comments

With everything happening, just in the last week, it’s impossible to address it all in writing. So, it’s about time for another “fireside monologue”, with plenty of tangents in the midst, and a musical addendum to polish it off.

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