"Expending His Energy to Promote Your Power."

Radio Show: Episode 11

Posted by on Aug 23, 2014 in Audio | 1 comment

Welcome to another edition of the show! Talking on weekend festivities at Buskerfest. Correction: the lineup announced is for Saturday, not Friday. Come out and enjoy the shows! General discussion on the justice...

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Escape from the Land of Dreams, or, Lighting Fire in a New World – In Five Parts

Posted by on Aug 14, 2014 in Poetry, Writing | 0 comments

We’re cornered into a “percentage-likely”.

But the system’s mechanisms operate with certainty.

The machine is restricted logically, but there is no limit to human potentiality.

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Cartoon #2: “Stand Strong”

Posted by on Aug 14, 2014 in Drawings, Featured | 1 comment

24″ x 18″. The most recent rendition with paper and pencil. The major theme is the various external forces at work upon one’s psyche.

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Radio Show: Episode 10

Posted by on Aug 14, 2014 in Audio | 0 comments

Another edition of the show! Now playing LIVE at 12 p.m. every Wednesday on www.lawrencehits.com. This one is a birthday special, in fact. Your’s truly done turned thirty! Featuring thoughts on Robin Williams...

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Radio Show: Episode 9

Posted by on Aug 10, 2014 in Audio | 0 comments

Welcome to another edition! A lot of science today: EM drives, space travel, “Confabularryum” talk. Featuring poem “A Response to a Lack of Color” and essay “From Venus to Earth to...

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Radio Show: Episode 8

Posted by on Aug 4, 2014 in Audio | 1 comment

It’s ramblings all the way down… thoughts on education, autodidactica, and political theater. Featuring poems “Hammurabi’s Blitz” and “Chasing the Synthesis”....

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