An American In Anarchia: Part I
Introductions were in order: where I was from, where he was from, common ground, differences between America and Italy. He was mid-30s, average height, strong build, a four-day fuzz covered his cheeks, jet-black hair slicked with an oily substance, cut like a young Elvis.
Read MoreOn Society and the Most Beautiful Thing in the World
Hey world. HEY! I’m talking to you! You got some explaining to do my friend. What’s that you say? I’m not your friend? Don’t you see something wrong with that? … Hey, hey! Pay attention for a second. Should you not be my friend? Should you not be everyone’s friend?
Read MoreVulcanized Rubber Soles
A day, alike others in so many ways, finally came when the clowns had run out of days to give me. When the scale had become so unbalanced as to topple, spilling its contents all at once.
Read MoreA Response to a “Lack of Color”
Skies of blue: refraction of light omits a spectrum Earth cannot see, its residents vicariously.
Read MorePitstop on the Way to the Grand Canyon
While Maggie was busy protecting the family, and Everly was invested in another egotistical fantasy, and Henry pondered the devilish characters’ persuasive ingenuity, Little Suzy could feel pressure building steadily.
Read MoreChasing the Synthesis
Disparate ideas – all of them – and the best path to betterment. Lacking the words. And yet there it is!
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