"Expending His Energy to Promote Your Power."

The Maverick Radio Hour: “Jockeying with Step Two: Inflation, Taxes, and MMT” [Episode 16]

Posted by on Jan 18, 2022 in Audio, Economics, Philosophy | 3 comments

In this episode, I explain why I added “this step is optional” to Step Two of “A New Economic”, which leads into a general analysis of other economic and governmental topics. Notably…

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A Narrative, as Witnessed, with Accompanying Commentary, Concerning the Events of Wednesday, January 6th, 2021, at the Capitol Building, Washington D.C.

Posted by on Jan 7, 2022 in Misc. Prose, Writing | 3 comments

It’s now been a year, so it’s about time to post this…

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The Maverick Radio Hour, Special Edition: “’The Tyranny Virus’: Full Lecture” – In 4 Parts [Episode 15]

Posted by on Jan 6, 2022 in Audio, Economics, Philosophy, Writing | 0 comments

Here’s a special edition of the Maverick Radio Hour to end 2021: a full lecture on “The Tyranny Virus” and its assorted arms, “Deconstruction of a Societal Weapon”. Make no mistake about it, a “societal weapon” is exactly what this whole thing has been.

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